Like a full on Wraith invasion with several Hive ships? That would be tough for most planets to fight off unless they had some kind of planetary wide defense system but we saw an advanced race like the Tollan’s ion cannon’s fail against the goa’uld‘s That led to their demise. We also know the Aschen are advanced but dont know much about how their technology plays in space since we only saw all interactions on planet surfaces.
How would the Aschen deliver the weapon to Wraith controlled worlds? I guess they could use the gate on the Volian home world but would it be capable of dialing the Pegasus galaxy and if it could the Aschen do not have the information required to dial. And they would most likely need a zpm. Not impossible but improbable. Based on the original question i was envisioning 8 hive ships floating over the Aschen home world and unloading boat loads of darts.