
Plantilla:Infobox Episode Plantilla:SG1-5 Plantilla:2of3 "Enemies" is the first episode of the fifth season of Stargate SG-1.


The supernova causes SG-1 and Apophis' ships to jump 4 million light years. SG-1 hides from Apophis, but after coming out again, they find Apophis' mothership completely abandoned. It is discovered Apophis and his Jaffa fled the ship after it is taken over by Replicators. They infest the Ha'tak, and furthermore, Apophis has brainwashed Teal'c, and is now working against his team.

Previously on Stargate SG-1[]

SG-1 and the Tok'ra are pushed to destroy Apophis once and for all after Tanith alerts him to Vorash. In order to destroy him, they plan to set Vorash's sun to go supernova, by using the Stargate to dial P3W-451 and cause the sun to go critical. However, in the meantime, an Al'kesh attacks SG-1's Ha'tak but is destroyed by Colonel Jack O'Neill and Teal'c in a Death Glider who crash on Vorash in the process. On the way to the Transportation rings, Teal'c gets shot by a Jaffa and supposedly dies before he is taken by Tanith to be presented to Apophis. The sun successfully goes supernova, wiping out Apophis' fleet. However, after they exit hyperspace, SG-1 and Selmak/Jacob Carter realize that the supernova has caused the Ha'tak to travel 4 million light years to an Unnamed Galaxy, and it will take them over 120 years to get back at top speed. Furthermore, it is also revealed that Apophis' mothership has also survived.


With very little choice (weapons won't cause a dent in Apophis' mothership, and hyperdrives are offline), SG-1 and Selmak/Jacob Carter decide to make contact with Apophis in order not to get killed. However, Apophis shows no interest in what they are going to say, and even ignores their surrender, saying "Klavel ha," Goa'uld for "too late."

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A mysterious ship attacks Apophis' mothership before it could destroy SG-1's Ha'tak.

Apophis charges up weapons, but takes a while in actually firing them, which makes the team feel uneasy. However, as the ship finally fires, the shots all miss the Ha'tak, and instead, Apophis is trying to hit a second unidentified vessel. The ship's shield proves powerful, and even uses its weapons to block several shots, as well as firing back at Apophis. While Colonel Jack O'Neill admires the people of the ship for fighting Apophis first, Jacob decides to retreat, since they have no idea if the aliens on board the ship are hostile or not. He sets a course for the corona of the system's Blue giant, since its radiation can make them invisible to ship's sensors, but SG-1 would also be blind.

Another problem is that they have one hour until the radiation could become dangerous, so Jacob and Major Samantha Carter decide to fix the shields to buy them nine more hours. While they are repairing them, Carter won't stop thinking about the loss of Teal'c. After they switch the control crystals, the shields are back online. However, they discover another problem; the hyperdrive crystals are burnt, and with no spare crystals, they can't go into hyperspace. In the Pel'tak, Dr. Daniel Jackson asks O'Neill what happened on Vorash. O'Neill is reluctant, but eventually explains they were ambushed by Jaffa, and Teal'c was shot in the back.

Meanwhile, in Stargate Command, a Tok'ra contingent arrives in the Gate Room. One of them introduces herself as councilwoman Ren'al. She informs Major General George S. Hammond that the plan to wipe out Apophis' fleet worked, though they did find a one-man pod that traveled to Goa'uld-occupied territory, but the identity of the occupant is unknown for the time being. They also inform Hammond that they detected two distortions during the supernova, implying two ships may have escaped, though they are confident nobody would have survived, thinking SG-1 and Selmak were those people. Ren'al tells Hammond that whether they survived or not, their actions caused a power vacuum for the Goa'uld, who would be fighting each other for years to come. When they consider the team heroes, Hammond says to her; "you'll forgive me for holding out hope a little longer. SG-1 has a surprisingly good habit of beating the odds."

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SG-1's Ha'tak in orbit over a blue giant.

The shields have almost become ineffective to the radiation, and Carter and Selmak are still unable to repair the hyperdrive, as even retro-fitting other crystals doesn't work. With no alternative, they must risk leaving the corona of the blue giant and face whoever may have survived. As they leave the corona, they see that Apophis' ship is still around, but the other ship isn't. Fortunately, they notice no life signs on board. They decide to take the opportunity to commandeer the ship, since it has a faster hyperdrive and more advanced weapons and shields, and at the very least, they could retrieve the necessary control crystals for the damaged hyperdrive.

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Apophis' Mothership adrift.

However, as they enter the ship via the transportation rings, they hear a self-destruct counting down on four minutes. Jacob Carter plans to go to the Pel'tak to shut it off, while Carter and O'Neill retrieve the crystals. On the way, they notice a group of dead Jaffa. Carter is distracted by a familiar noise. They both then see a Replicator scaling up a wall. O'Neill contacts Jacob on the radio and recommends pulling back. Jacob seems to agree with him; Replicators have taken over the Pel'tak. With three minutes remaining, Carter still goes to find the crystals.


The Ha'tak attempts to outrun the explosion.

With one minute left, Jacob awaits Carter and O'Neill in the ring room. They have retrieved the crystals, but they're being chased by Replicators. They are able to ring back on board the Ha'tak before being overrun by Replicators. With no time to fix the hyperdrive, Jackson pilots the ship with sublight engines to get as far away from Apophis' ship as possible. As it blows up, Jacob takes over control of the ship and transfers all power to the shields, despite believing they won't make it. Fortunately, the shields are powerful enough to protect the Ha'tak from the shockwave.

After the narrow escape, the Carters then start to utilize the newly acquired control crystals to repair the hyperdrive, which is a success. Their joy is short lived when Jackson calls for them, as he has detected something; a ship. When they arrive at the Pel'tak, they pick up a Tel'tak on sensors. Believing they may have escaped the Replicator incursion, Selmak hails them. The individual who answers comes as a surprise for the team: Teal'c. He reveals that since Tanith presented him to Apophis, he managed to revive Teal'c in a sarcophagus. After the Replicators attacked, he and a small number of Jaffa who support the rebellion were able to escape. They allow him to enter the ship.


Teal'c defects... not to SG-1 but to Apophis's side instead.

Sometime later, SG-1 and Teal'c reunite. O'Neill runs to him and they embrace. However, Teal'c gets hold of his sidearm and aims it at them, while other Jaffa appear and train their Zat'nik'tels at them as well. O'Neill and the team wonder what is going on. Just then, Apophis enters, who congratulates Teal'c, and informs him that he has resumed his rightful position as Apophis' First Prime.

SG-1 are taken to an empty room, where O'Neill thinks Teal'c has a plan going, until Teal'c punches him in the face. Teal'c claims that he was in the service of Apophis all along for the past four years, and calls his four years with SG-1 "subterfuge;" out of all the times O'Neill's life was in danger, he wished him to die. The team realize that he has been brainwashed to serve Apophis again, much like what Apophis did to Teal'c's son, Rya'c. Teal'c listens to them no further, and locks them in the room. Fortunately, Jacob is still at large. O'Neill asks Carter to see if she could look around the control panel and make the doors open.

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Unloading Apophis' cargo including a Sarcophagus.

Teal'c and some of the other Jaffa unload the cargo, including a sarcophagus and some crates. However, unknown to them, as they leave the room, the top of one crate starts to dissolve, meaning the Replicators have boarded the ship. Apophis examines his new Pel'tak and despises the late Cronus' sense of decoration. After a course for Delmak is plotted, Teal'c enters in his Jaffa armor and kneels down before Apophis. When Apophis says that Selmak has eluded capture, Teal'c promises to take care of it personally.

In the room, Carter, despite not knowing what to do, fiddles around with the control panel. Just then, the doors opens, revealing Jacob, who is busting them out. Just as they are about to leave, they are stopped by Teal'c, who after telling O'Neill that he would become the host to his symbiote, "Junior", shoots the control panel, before leaving them again. A few moments later, the ship unexpectedly drops out of hyperspace. As Teal'c investigates, he and the other two Jaffa find the engine room swarming with Replicators.

The doors open partially in SG-1's cell. They then see a Replicator enter. Fortunately, it doesn't pay much attention to the team, as they don't pose them a threat, yet. They swiftly exit the room. Meanwhile, Teal'c informs Apophis that the ship is infested with Replicators, and their weapons have proven to be useless. Apophis sends his Jaffa to protect him while he walks out of the Pel'tak. However, they are cut off by Replicators. Apophis retreats back to the Pel'tak, while the Jaffa stay back to fight the Replicators, but they all die in the process. Furthermore, Replicators make their way to the Pel'tak.


Teal'c is wounded.

SG-1 arrive in a cargo room, and find a crate carrying several FN P90 Personal Defense Weapons. The team and Jacob arm themselves, and plan to go to the Tel'tak and escape the Ha'tak. Carter and O'Neill however, vow to get Teal'c back brainwashed or not. Teal'c and the rest of the Jaffa plan to use the Tau'ri weapons to dispatch the Replicators. Carter and O'Neill await in an ambush. O'Neill throws the shock grenade, and after exchanging weapons fire, all Jaffa but Teal'c are killed. After shooting a Replicator, Teal'c is in a vulnerable position; O'Neill has a clear shot.

Teal'c refuses to surrender, and aims his Staff weapon at O'Neill, intending to kill him but O'Neill manages to wound him first. Fortunately, he is alive, and they send him back to the Tel'tak, where Jacob and Jackson are waiting. However, the Ha'tak enters hyperspace, preventing their escape.

The Carters discover that the Replicators are heading towards Delmak, the last set of co-ordinates Apophis entered. Also, the ship is going ten times faster than its normal top speed, and rising. Jacob think this is good news, since when the Replicators reach a critical number, they're going to need new resources, and Delmak sounds appetizing; they'd wipe out the Goa'uld and arrive home in no time. O'Neill points out this is far from good news, since they'd "eat" anything, and SG-1 can't let them get a foothold situation in the galaxy. Since they figured out Goa'uld computers from Apophis' mothership, they'd override the self-destruct very quickly. One alternative remains; the second the Ha'tak drops out of hyperspace, they'll destroy the sublight control crystals; because the Ha'tak uses the sublight engines to decelerate, without sublight, the Ha'tak will fly helplessly into the planet's surface, destroying it, and the Replicators, similar to what SG-1 did with the Biliskner two years ago. Since the Replicators would also deactivate the C-4 timer, Carter proposes a close range burst of fire from a P90, though the engine room is bound to be "bug central." With the ship going 800 times faster than normal top speed, they have little time before the Ha'tak arrives at Delmak.


"That, is a big bug."

Jacob is in the Tel'tak in the cargo bay, while Carter, Jackson and O'Neill head to the engine room, where they find a giant-beetle Replicator, which is powering the hyperdrive. They open the panel that contains the sublight engine control crystals, and wait. Moments later, the Ha'tak drops out of hyperspace over Delmak. As the giant Replicator powers down. O'Neill fires his P90 at the crystals, instantly destroying them. The Replicators retaliate by sending a wave of Replicators. SG-1 retreats, while taking turns firing. On the way, their exit is blocked, so they shoot their way through to the rings. However, as the transport on board the Tel'tak, the Replicators override the controls to the cargo bay doors, and they begin to close. Fortunately, they are able to leave before it completely closes.

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Sublight control crystal tray.

The Ha'tak is flying helplessly towards the planet. In the Pel'tak, the Replicators crawl over Apophis' personal shield. With defeat imminent, Apophis screams in defiance. The Ha'tak falls straight to the surface, causing a mass of destruction, as well as the death of the evil Apophis once and for all. SG-1 watches the destruction, while O'Neill checks up on Teal'c. Jacob warns him that he has his body back, but getting his mind back will not be as easy. Teal'c informs O'Neill that he will not succumb to torture, but O'Neill insists he won't and apologizes for shooting him, before telling him that Apophis is dead. However, Teal'c doesn't believe him. "Gods cannot be killed," says Teal'c brusquely.


Apophis' mothership; Apophis' Tel'tak; Asgard; Biliskner; Blue giant; Brainwashing; C-4; Control crystal; Corona; Cronus' Ha'tak; Delmak; First Prime; FN P90 Personal Defense Weapon; Foothold situation; Goa'uld; Ha'tak; Host; Hyperdrive; Hyperspace; Jaffa; Jaffa Rebellion; Junior; M9 pistol; Pel'tak; Radiation; Replicator; Replicator patrol ship; Rya'c; Sarcophagus; Self-destruct; Sensor; Shield; Shock grenade; Sokar; Staff weapon; Star (Enemies); Sublight engine; Supernova; Symbiote; System Lords; Tel'tak; Thor; Tok'ra; Transportation rings; Unnamed Galaxy; Vorash; Vorash's sun; Zat'nik'tel

Notable quotes[]

O'Neill: I'm enjoying their style. Shoot first, send flowers later. It works.

Jacob: I am Selmak of the Tok'ra, commander of this ship.
O'Neill: You know, we really should talk about this commander thing.

Carter: This way, sir. It's not far.
O'Neill: Carter, how do you know where to go in a place like this?
Carter: I studied the Tok'ra specs of the ship while we were on Vorash.
O'Neill: You know how to have a good time, don't you?
Carter: We're having a good time now, sir.
O'Neill: You go, girl!!

Jacob: We're not gonna make it!!
(Sometime later, the Ha'tak vessel narrowly avoids the destruction of Apophis' mothership)
Jacob: That was close.
O'Neill: I believe someone said... "we're not gonna make it!!"
Jacob: Sam, let's get the hyperdrive running.
O'Neill: Excuse me. I distinctly remember someone saying... "We're not gonna make it!" I think we made it.
Jacob: I'm sorry, I over reacted.  At the time, it looked very much like we weren't going to make it.
O'Neill: Yes, well, maybe next time you'll just wait and see.
Jacob: And blow the last chance I might ever have to be right?
O'Neill: What?
Carter: Welcome to my life.
O'Neill: What!?

Jackson: I was starting to worry you guys weren't gonna make it.
Jacob: I didn't say it, though!!

Carter: Are we gonna make it?
Jacob: I don't want to say.

Jackson: Come on Teal'c, you don't really think that you're still First Prime of Apophis?
Teal'c: I have never ceased to be in the service of my god.
O'Neill: All right, that's sounding a little brainwashy.

O'Neill: Come on, you and I together have taken down half a dozen Goa'ulds.
Teal'c: Enemies of Apophis.
O'Neill: And we kicked his ass twice! Hell, you sat around and watched him die once.

O'Neill: Come on Teal'c. A part of you has to know the truth.
Teal'c: The truth is you are a prisoner of Apophis. When the symbiote that I carry matures, you will become its host.
O'Neill: OK, I meant the other truth.

O'Neill: That is a big bug.



Plantilla:Source images

  • While the Replicators in earlier episodes were always spider-like, this episodes introduces them in several new insect-forms.
  • This episode marks the final death of Apophis, though actor Peter Williams returns in several later episodes to reprise his role in flashbacks, hallucinations, and alternate timelines.
  • This is the first time we see a Replicator ship. This type of ship is seen again in "Unnatural Selection". And we see other varieties of Replicator ships in future episodes.
  • The Kara kesh personal shields are supposed to only block high velocity objects, while allowing low speed objects such as air, hands, knives, and arrows through.  The Replicators should technically be able to walk straight through the shield.  However it is shown that the Replicators were walking on the shield.
    • However, since the shields also absorb energy, such as staff weapons and zat'nik'tels, it is possible it was absorbing/repelling the energy used to keep the blocks together, or other such energy, allowing the replicators to walk on the shield.
  • Jack refers to SG-1 "kicking Apophis' ass twice" in "The Serpent's Lair" and "Exodus" and his first death in "Serpent's Song" while Daniel refers to Apophis brainwashing Rya'c in "Family".


  • When Apophis' ship explodes from the self-destruct. Selmak turns the sublight engines off and transfers the power to the shields. The ship is then shown slowing down and coming to a stop when it should have kept its momentum as things stay in motion until being affected by an outside force.
  • During the scene when Selmak explains to Jack and Daniel that their hyperdrive is too damaged to repair, Daniel leans upon the bridge prop causing that part of it to wobble and make an audiable clunk. If you watch Jack afterwards during this cut, he appears to be failing to hold in a laugh.



  • Nominated Gemini for "Best Visual Effects" (James Tichenor, Tom Brydon, Doug Campbell, Michelle Comens, Shannon Gurney, Brian Harder, Craig Van Den Biggelaar, Bruce Woloshyn and Kyle Yoneda)
  • Nominated Primetime Emmy for "Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Series" (James Tichenor, Michelle Comens, Shannon Gurney, Bruce Woloshyn, Tom Brydon, Doug Campbell, Kyle Yoneda, Greg Hansen and Brian Harder)

First Appearance[]


  • Ren'al


In other languages[]

  • French: Ennemis Jurés (Sworn Enemies)
  • Italian: Nemici (Enemies)
  • Spanish: Enemigos (Enemies)
  • Czech: Nepřátelé (Enemies)

External links[]

  • Plantilla:SciFi
  • Plantilla:MGMsite
  • Plantilla:GateWorld
  • Plantilla:WP
  • Plantilla:Solutionswiki